Home / PPE/PPC / Construction/Workshop / BUSHMASTER BUSHMASTER PRODUCT INFO Twin point mounted cups Low risk of entanglement on machinery Hearing protection for extended periods Visor can easily flip up and down Designed with comfort in mind Durable self-adjusting ABS cups Close fitting wire headband for comfort Large cups for high noise levels together with soft foam cushions PRODUCT RATING CE EN 352-1 (H=36 dB, M=27 dB, L=18 dB) SNR 30 dB COMPOSITION High frequency ABS cups SUITABLE FOR USE IN Machining Grinding Tree felling Woodwork Forestry Add to cart Request a Quotation SKU: BUSH-WG Categories: Construction/Workshop, PPE/PPC Social Share Related products CUT5 SOLAR GLOVE Select options FIRE BLANKETS – CERAMIC FIBRE CUT5 CHEMICAL GLOVE PLUS Select options HDPE BARRIER FENCING